Summer exposition 2024
The artists who are part of the 2024 summer exhibition are diverse in their views, expressions and techniques. They all match the image we have of ‘the artist’. They work passionately on an oeuvre, they tackle their materials, have a high degree of craftsmanship and technical control and are therefore able to create beauty with their hands.
In addition to an enormous aesthetic sense, the artists also have a dose of stubbornness and perseverance. The latter is necessary because the statues are often made of unwieldy, robust materials – such as stone and iron – which are not easy to work with. The material only yields when the artist lets go of some of his own will. The maker and the material then create their own language, in which the editing is not just a technique, but rather an expression of ultimate loyalty to the intrinsic beauty of the material. The artists create their own world and you can see and experience something of that world in our garden.
Our permanent collection includes works by the following artists:
Arie Berkulin — https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arie_Berkulin
Marry Teeuwen – de Jong — https://www.r-m-teeuwen.com/
Roel Teeuwen — https://www.r-m-teeuwen.com/
Han de Kluiver — https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_de_Kluijver
Carel Visser — https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carel_Visser
Bert Frijns — https://bertfrijns.com/
Jelle Korevaar — www.jellekorevaar.com
Henk van Bennekum — www.vanbennekum.nl
Yvonne Kracht — www.yvonnekracht.nl
Gonda van der Zwaag — www.gondavanderzwaag.nl
Dörte Berner — http://www.doerte-berner.com/index.php?lang=en
Joanna Hull
Patrick Chaulet
Jan Asjes van Dijk
Chris Peterson — https://bastarto.com/
Ewerdt Hilgemann — https://www.hilgemann.nl/
Catrien van Amstel — http://www.catrienvanamstel.nl/
Thijl Wijdeveld — https://www.beeldhouwers.nu/thijl-wijdeveld/
Herbert Nouwens — https://herbertnouwens.nl/
Marc de Roover
Nico Parlevliet — https://parl.nl/
Eddy Gheress — https://gheress.home.xs4all.nl/Welcome.html
Adri Verhoeven — https://adriverhoeven.nl/
Anjet van Linge — https://www.anjetvanlinge.nl/
Marinke van Zandwijk — https://www.marinkevanzandwijk.nl/
Ton Kalle — https://www.tonkalle.nl/
Leo van den Bos — https://www.beeldhouwers.nu/leo-van-den-bos/
Juli Dodd (UK) — https://www.saatchiart.com/JulieDodd
Karl Ulrich Nuss (Dld) — https://www.karl-ulrich-nuss.de/
Lucien den Arend — https://www.denarend.com/nederlands-dutch/
Kees Buckens — https://keesbuckens.nl/
Gerard Höweler — http://www.gerardhoweler.com/
Bernard Sindall (UK)
Margreet Huisman — https://www.atelierkunstmest.nl/
Iris Bouwmeester — https://www.irisbouwmeester.com/
Nora Schöpfer (AT) — https://www.noraschoepfer.at/
Rotganzen — https://www.rotganzen.com/

Our permanent collection includes works by the following artists:
Arie Berkulin — https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arie_Berkulin
Marry Teeuwen – de Jong — https://www.r-m-teeuwen.com/
Roel Teeuwen — https://www.r-m-teeuwen.com/
Han de Kluiver — https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_de_Kluijver
Carel Visser — https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carel_Visser
Bert Frijns — https://bertfrijns.com/
Jelle Korevaar — www.jellekorevaar.com
Henk van Bennekum — www.vanbennekum.nl
Yvonne Kracht — www.yvonnekracht.nl
Gonda van der Zwaag — www.gondavanderzwaag.nl
Dörte Berner — http://www.doerte-berner.com/index.php?lang=en
Joanna Hull
Patrick Chaulet
Jan Asjes van Dijk
Chris Peterson — https://bastarto.com/
Ewerdt Hilgemann — https://www.hilgemann.nl/
Catrien van Amstel — http://www.catrienvanamstel.nl/
Thijl Wijdeveld — https://www.beeldhouwers.nu/thijl-wijdeveld/
Herbert Nouwens — https://herbertnouwens.nl/
Marc de Roover
Nico Parlevliet — https://parl.nl/
Eddy Gheress — https://gheress.home.xs4all.nl/Welcome.html
Adri Verhoeven — https://adriverhoeven.nl/
Anjet van Linge — https://www.anjetvanlinge.nl/
Marinke van Zandwijk — https://www.marinkevanzandwijk.nl/
Ton Kalle — https://www.tonkalle.nl/
Leo van den Bos — https://www.beeldhouwers.nu/leo-van-den-bos/
Juli Dodd (UK) — https://www.saatchiart.com/JulieDodd
Karl Ulrich Nuss (Dld) — https://www.karl-ulrich-nuss.de/
Lucien den Arend — https://www.denarend.com/nederlands-dutch/
Kees Buckens — https://keesbuckens.nl/
Gerard Höweler — http://www.gerardhoweler.com/
Bernard Sindall (UK)
Margreet Huisman — https://www.atelierkunstmest.nl/
Iris Bouwmeester — https://www.irisbouwmeester.com/
Nora Schöpfer (AT) — https://www.noraschoepfer.at/
Rotganzen — https://www.rotganzen.com/

Summer exposition 2024
The artists who are part of the 2024 summer exhibition are diverse in their views, expressions and techniques. They all match the image we have of ‘the artist’. They work passionately on an oeuvre, they tackle their materials, have a high degree of craftsmanship and technical control and are therefore able to create beauty with their hands.
In addition to an enormous aesthetic sense, the artists also have a dose of stubbornness and perseverance. The latter is necessary because the statues are often made of unwieldy, robust materials – such as stone and iron – which are not easy to work with. The material only yields when the artist lets go of some of his own will. The maker and the material then create their own language, in which the editing is not just a technique, but rather an expression of ultimate loyalty to the intrinsic beauty of the material. The artists create their own world and you can see and experience something of that world in our garden.